Askar Update......

Hello! Askar is still doing very well and is getting bigger and healthier everyday. He is a very happy boy and enjoys almost everything he does throughout the day. Last week he was circumcised and the healing process was tough but he is doing much better now.
Right now he is having a blast throwing around his little stuffed chair and tackling and rolling around with it on the floor. He loves doing that and it's funny to watch...definitely a boy.... He also loves running around with Haley and the dogs, Barney, Sesame Street and his cars and trucks. He hardly ever plays with his legos anymore... Haley is doing very well with her new little brother too...
As far as his speech goes, he expresses himself but much of it isn't clear. We don't really talk Russian to him anymore and he doesn't say much of it either. Most of the time, everybody understands what he is trying to say which is a positive thing. His facial expressions and tone help in getting his point across. He understands us most of the time too.
Last month, the school department's interventional program assessed him and said he needs speech and physical therapy. They were amazed at how many English words he knows already. They also said he is not that far behind and that he landed in the normal range in some of the developmental areas. I think he will develop physically without having to go to therapy but I do think speech therapy will be beneficial and help him get up to speed with other kids his age. They haven't called us back since the initial appointment...
This summer he has been to a lot of functions and he hasn't been a problem at all. In the picture of Askar at the picnic table, we were at a campground on a beach. The other picture is of Haley at another campground in the woods where they had a DJ. My brother and sister are holding the stick and my sister-in-law is the one in the white shirt looking at Haley...
Askar likes the water now and even likes taking a bath. As far as his eating is concerned, he is now a little picky. Before he would eat anything. We have no problems with his sleeping which is a wonderful thing...
This picture is of Haley and Jacob (my nephew) jumping in the pool...
Today I sent a letter and pictures to the orphanage to let them know that Askar is doing fine. I must admit that I miss that country and it's culture. I often think about the interpreters, drivers, caregivers and especially the kids at the orphanage and hope they are doing well.
Look at the butterfly Chloe is looking at in the couldn't fly on the picture to look up close...