Clean Slate
All of Askar's labwork and ultrasounds came back normal. His bone tests show that his bones have developed to approximatly a 15 month old child eventhough he is 2.5. The doctor said he will be fine and will grow fast with his new life with us. He has gained 10 lbs. since we got him and is building muscle and better balance everyday. He is still doing well here. He is very good all the time and isn't afraid of many things. He is interested in everything. Below you will see some pictures that I couldn't put in this blog when we were in KZ.
There is another couple at the baby house right now that I email and I must admit that their story makes me miss it there. It was a tough process but now that it is done, I look back and what an experience it was!
This first picture is of a "saloon" in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Note the broom the man is using. The broom is made of branches from a tree.

The second picture is of Askar who fell asleep on the floor of the second apartment we were in in Ust. The bump on his head was from him falling at the playground.

This picture is of Haley and a girl at the playground at the second apartment. They didn't speak the same language but they liked to play with each other. I think they were the same age.
This was our plane that we took to Almaty, the main city. As you can see it was small. It took two hours to get to Almaty. You had to walk to the plane. The airport was very small.

This is Haley sleeping on the couch in the apartment in Ust. She got the mask from the airline and still uses it to this day....
This next picture is of Serge and Sveta, our driver and interpreter in Ust for our second trip. They were great and we miss them as well as the others that we met there. We still keep in touch with our first interpreter, Donya, who is still looking for oil and gas at his new job. He said he is doing well. I don't know what happened to Marat. He is an independent driver so I'm sure he is doing something related to that.

This is Haley at the amusement park in Ust. I wish I took a picture of the tinman statue that was there. The author of the original story of the Wizard of Oz lived there and they said Dorothy's name in the original story was Ellen or Ellie??
The next picture is of the owner of the eagle that John was holding in a picture in a previous post. This was on a mountain in Almaty.
The picture of the horses was taken on the mountain also. This was about half way up the hundreds of stairs that we went up. They were selling horses (mare) milk there - yuk - which is considered pretty special and good tasting to people in that region. I stayed away from it. The next picture is of Haley and Bulgan at the mountain also. We miss her and Jargon, our driver. Haley really liked Bulgan.

....and the last picture is of me and my boy Michael Askar this past weekend...he gives kisses now but doesn't pucker up yet. He is a very lovable child. I will be writing and sending pictures of him to the orphanage to let them know that he is doing very well. We are so happy we adopted him.
There is another couple at the baby house right now that I email and I must admit that their story makes me miss it there. It was a tough process but now that it is done, I look back and what an experience it was!

This first picture is of a "saloon" in Ust-Kamenogorsk. Note the broom the man is using. The broom is made of branches from a tree.

The second picture is of Askar who fell asleep on the floor of the second apartment we were in in Ust. The bump on his head was from him falling at the playground.

This picture is of Haley and a girl at the playground at the second apartment. They didn't speak the same language but they liked to play with each other. I think they were the same age.

This is Haley sleeping on the couch in the apartment in Ust. She got the mask from the airline and still uses it to this day....
This next picture is of Serge and Sveta, our driver and interpreter in Ust for our second trip. They were great and we miss them as well as the others that we met there. We still keep in touch with our first interpreter, Donya, who is still looking for oil and gas at his new job. He said he is doing well. I don't know what happened to Marat. He is an independent driver so I'm sure he is doing something related to that.

This is Haley at the amusement park in Ust. I wish I took a picture of the tinman statue that was there. The author of the original story of the Wizard of Oz lived there and they said Dorothy's name in the original story was Ellen or Ellie??

The next picture is of the owner of the eagle that John was holding in a picture in a previous post. This was on a mountain in Almaty.

....and the last picture is of me and my boy Michael Askar this past weekend...he gives kisses now but doesn't pucker up yet. He is a very lovable child. I will be writing and sending pictures of him to the orphanage to let them know that he is doing very well. We are so happy we adopted him.