One Year One Month Since KZ
Hello, It's been one year and one month since Askar came home. He is so big now and has come along quite a bit. He talks A LOT and even finishes our sentences at times. He still loves to eat and drink. He runs, has much better balance and still plays with his trucks, trains and colors. He started day care 2 days a week to get him with other children and to learn more concepts like colors, shapes, and numbers. He likes it a lot. They go swimming in the kids pool and do crafts too. He grew so much that he looks like a boy his age versus last year were he looked like a baby. He is potty trained, runs and jumps now too. Here are some recent pictures...
first day at day care...
remember these little red shoes from the orphanage...he is pretty much growing out of these sneakers too....
Jamestown, RI...watching the tall ships go off into the ocean.......
Wow! He really has grown so much. He certainly does look like a little boy now instead of a baby. You can see his happiness in his eyes too!
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