Michael Oscar Zalomski is officially our new baby boy! In the afternoon, we were dropped off at court and Marat, our driver, had to go to the orphanage to pick up the Dept. of Education person and a doctor at the orphanage to bring to our court appointment. Our interpreter was with them too. When 4:00 rolled around and they still were not there, we were stressing out wondering if the court would make us reschedule. At about 4:02, we finally saw Marat slowly driving up the road with the people we needed for the appointment in the car. Marat always drives slow and never goes over the speed limit which made us nervous that they would not make it back in time.
We all hurried into court and then had to wait for the prosecuter for about 30 minutes. When the prosecuter finally came, we went into the Judge's chamber. We had to say two speeches and answer questions. We messed up a little but I think the interpreter made up for it with the translation.
The Dept. of Education lady and the Doctor had great things to say about us in the court and before we went in there. They were telling us that everybody thought we were going to not want Oscar and ask for another child. They said that we did such a good job with opening him up and approaching him the right way to bring out his personality. They said he has blossomed and that he is now a lot better with the other kids and caregivers since we've been there. They told us that they thought he would grow up in the orphanage system because he acts grumpy and/or stubborn when he first meets new people.
So, the judge and the others looked through our piles of paperwork and asked us questions about this and that and then the judge gave us his approval! We all couldn't stop smiling after that. After court, me, John, Marat and Bo-ta (another interpreter) went out to our favorite restaurant here. Our last night of the first trip. Thank you everybody for all your prayers and well-wishes! You have all been great friends and relatives!! :) We (or just I) will be back in a couple or few weeks.
p.s. Oscar went for his first car ride around the orphanage with "Mama" in Marat's car. He screamed and cried the whole time and didn't know what the heck was going on. After the ride, he wouldn't stop staring at the car and thinking about it.