Everything is Fine Here in KZ

Everything is fine here in KZ. We have our good and bad moments with Askar but overall he is doing very well. He is very happy and so cute for 90% of the day but then he his moments. He has a sense of humor and makes us laugh. Good moments with him are eating, playing and exploring things in the apartment. Tougher moments are changing clothes, washing up, going to sleep, going outside and going in the car. When he has his bad moments, his tantrums are extreme especially when he has to go to bed or when he doesn't want to stop eating. When we are outside, he likes going into the stroller (which he didn’t at first.) He also likes watching Haley, the cars, people and dogs when we are outside. Two days ago, we bribed him to go in the car for his by telling him we were going to get ice-cream. This was his second time in the car and he cried for about a minute when we got in. Once he stopped, he just looked around breathing hard and was wide-eyed. I could feel his heart beat. He did better in the car than we thought he would. After the grocery store, we went to the zoo but it was closed. We went yesterday and it was fun. I will write more in another post before I lose this one. We've been having technical difficulties with the computer and internet.
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