April 19th Evening - No Court Date Still.

Well, we still did not get a court date. One of the representatives said they will get it tomorrow when they go to court for another couple. So this means we have lost two unnecessary days with the court date....
The picture is of Oscar and Arseem (Cape Cod couple's son) looking through my pile of pictures. Arseem was talking and excited so Oscar was acting the same but with baby talk trying to be like him. It was cute. He likes being with other kids. It is going to be a challenge for him living outside the orphanage. That is the only life he knows and he seems pretty content with it. That makes us a bit nervous about the transition of bringing him home. The other picture is the last one of the pictures that I couldn't upload yesterday.
The picture of me and John at a local park in front of the monument of young families. The other picture is of Oscar's group at the visiting room doorway. They all ran up when the door opened when the caregiver was not looking. There is one big baby boy that always makes a beeline for the main door to the hallway when the door opens. We always laugh because he always does it like he's thinking get me the heck out of here (he does it with a smile so he knows he is up to no-good)....he is not in the picture because he took off to the other door and John had to go catch him.
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